Organise your MAC Desktop With One Click



Tested: Moom is my new Mac window management app

It's a hugely powerful windows-management tool, and I use essentially one feature. For example, it offers automatic window sizing and positioning.

在Mac App Store 上的「Moom Classic」

評分 4.7 (11) Moom Classic allows you to easily move and zoom windows—on one display, or to another display—using either the mouse or the keyboard. Moom Classic lets you.

Moom Classic on the Mac App Store

評分 4.7 (431) Moom Classic allows you to easily move and zoom windows—on one display, or to another display—using either the mouse or the keyboard. Moom Classic lets you.


With its wide variety of window management tools, Moom makes moving and resizing windows fast, easy, and if you're as geeky as we are, even fun.

Announcing Moom 4, the next

Moom 4 is available now, and requires macOS 10.13 or newer. Moom 4 is priced at $15, and existing (Mac App Store or direct) Moom 3 users can upgrade for just $ ...

效率第一!Mac快速切換視窗app “Moom”、設計師、雙螢幕工作者 ...

Move + Zoom = Moom! 快速移動、輕巧縮放,設計師、程式開發者必備的Mac視窗管理軟體。. “效率第一!蘋果雙螢幕工作者,Mac快速切換視窗app “Moom”” is ...

Download Moom for Mac

Moom allows you to move and zoom windows - using either the mouse or the keyboard - to predefined locations and sizes, or to full screen mode.

Moom 4: Mac Window Management, Upgraded

From a fully customizable palette to new keyboard shortcut options to the ability to chain custom commands, Moom 4 offers a wide range of new features.

Organise your MAC Desktop With One Click - Moom App

In this video, I talk about how I use Moom for MAC, to organise my application windows and desktop. It's simple and a great time saver!

Moom 4.1.3 强大的窗口布局工具- 精品MAC应用分享

应用介绍. Moom 是Mac OS X 上的一款窗口布局工具。这款多功能窗口移动兼缩放工具融合了Cinch,Divvy,Spectacle 等同类软件的看门本领,能够快速修改 ...



Mosamic 1.3.1 楚門的世界 蒙太奇圖片製作

Mosamic 1.3.1 楚門的世界 蒙太奇圖片製作
